"A warm welcome to our No Nonsense Phonics site. Here you will find full information and some free training PowerPoints for use of the No Nonsense Phonics Skills Pupil and Teacher Books as well as additional core resources to complement the No Nonsense Phonics Skills series. Together, these provide the full systematic synthetic phonics (SSP) No Nonsense Phonics programme for mainstream initial teaching and intervention if required (from age 4+ infant and primary).
No Nonsense Phonics was validated as a full SSP programme by the Department for Education in England in July 2021 and therefore qualifies for government funding via the DfE English Hubs initiative for ‘partner schools’ selecting No Nonsense Phonics as their core phonics programme.
The No Nonsense Phonics Skills Pupil Books include plain ‘matched texts’ for reading and writing/spelling purposes for every letter/s-sound correspondence introduced. A ‘matched text’ reading book series, phonics reading books is in development to complement the programme – see our shop (‘Buy Resources’). For further information and any additional training requirements, please feel free to contact us.”
Debbie Hepplewhite MBE FRSA
Programme author and consultant
Best wishes, Debbie
Debbie Hepplewhite and Carl Pattison introduce the No Nonsense Phonics programme - including the rationale and resources.
***Please note that whilst there are references to Raintree Publishing throughout this video, as of July 2022, Phonics International Limited is the publisher and sole distributor (from this website) of the No Nonsense Phonics resources.
Also note that any references to Wand Education or Wand Phonics in the video below should be disregarded. Phonics International has terminated it's collaboration with Wand Education and the platform is no longer available through our websites.
This is a VERY full discussion describing Debbie's rationale for programme design.

“In February 2017, we introduced No Nonsense Phonics Skills as an intervention tool. The impact of the programme on the focus group we trialled was so dramatic that following the Y1 phonics check results in June 2017, we invited author Debbie Hepplewhite into school to work with us in September 2017. In 2018 our phonics check results were at 94%, having risen from 78% the previous year.”
Rachel Field, Headteacher, Ashfield Infant and Nursery School, Cumbria

Our phonics data (national in brackets)
Who is this site for?
All teachers (phonics should arguably be every teacher’s specialism in addition to any other specialism or interest), teacher-trainers, literacy and special needs advisors, tutors and parents or carers – indeed this site is for anyone involved in some way in teaching or supporting foundational literacy in the English language.
About Debbie Hepplewhite
Debbie Hepplewhite MBE FRSA is internationally renowned as a leading phonics teacher trainer/consultant and author.
Debbie campaigned extensively over many years to achieve national, evidence-based, systematic synthetic phonics teaching in primary schools. As a representative of the UK Reading Reform Foundation, she advised the British government for the parliamentary inquiry 'Teaching Children to Read' (March 2005) and she helped to inform Sir Jim Rose's 'Independent review of the teaching of early reading' (Final Report, Jim Rose, March 2006). A former teacher, headteacher and special needs teacher, she is known to be a controversial and inspirational speaker and has spoken alongside Sir Jim Rose at literacy conferences. Debbie has written many challenging articles for educational magazines and for many years she has provided practical advice for parents, teaching professionals, teacher-trainers, politicians, publishers and manufacturers. Debbie is a founding committee member of the International Foundation for Effective Reading Instruction (IFERI). In 2012, Debbie was awarded an MBE in the Queen's New Year Honours List for services to education.
Debbie's DfE-validated Systematic Synthetic Phonics Programmes