Parent Pack 2
No Nonsense Phonics Parent and Tutor Pack 2
15th December 2023
Parent Book 4
No Nonsense Phonics Parent and Tutor Pack 4
15th December 2023
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No Nonsense Phonics Parent and Tutor Pack 3


The No Nonsense Phonics programme by author Debbie Hepplewhite is validated by the Department for Education in England. The full-colour resources in these No Nonsense Phonics Parent and Tutor Packs are suitable for infant and primary learners, and dyslexic learners. The content in each Pack could provide 2 to 4 months teaching and learning dependent on the learner’s age and needs, and the frequency of sessions and revision.

SKU: PT Pack 3 Category:

The No Nonsense Phonics programme by author Debbie Hepplewhite is validated by the Department for Education in England. The full-colour resources in these No Nonsense Phonics Parent and Tutor Packs are suitable for infant and primary learners, and dyslexic learners. The content in each Pack could provide 2 to 4 months teaching and learning dependent on the learner’s age and needs, and the frequency of sessions and revision.

No Nonsense Phonics Skills Teacher Book 3 and Pupil Book 3

  • The letter/s-sound correspondences of the alphabetic code are introduced in each book with key picture words (aids to memory) – guidance provided for the adult throughout
  • Rich content provides intensive practice with phonemic awareness pictures, cumulative code, words, texts (‘Mini Stories’) with featured high-frequency words, and spelling word banks
  • Teaches handwriting of upper and lower case letters linked to the phonic sounds and the Alphabetic Code, and later the letter names and alphabetical order of the Alphabet
  • Extends phonics learning to reading and writing cumulative texts, developing language comprehension, quick drawings and evoking imagination
  • Engages the learner fully in his or her tangible progress
  • The Information Leaflet in each Pack provides links to extensive, free, complementary online resources

Phonics and Vocabulary Reading Books 12 to 17

  • Cumulative, decodable reading books featuring rich vocabulary
  • Phonics and vocabulary guidance for the supporting adult
  • Alphabetic code practice with upper and lower case letters
  • High-frequency words included

Mini Code Cards for Pupil Book 3

  • Double-sided cards to teach/learn the code featured in each No Nonsense Phonics Skills Pupil Book
  • Enables activities for making words to read, and selecting letters and letter groups for spelling spoken words.

Tabletop Charts

  • Double-sided A4 Alphabet Tabletop Chart to support letter formation and learning alphabetical order
  • Double-sided A4 overview Alphabetic Code Tabletop Chart – spelling reference chart featuring the sounds (down the columns) and their spelling alternatives (across the rows)

Debbie Hepplewhite – MBE FRSA

Debbie is a former teacher, special needs teacher and primary headteacher. In 2012, she was awarded an MBE in the Queen’s New Years Honours List for Services to Education.​

Debbie is an established author in Phonics, with an array of published works including:

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