No Nonsense Phonics Skills – Pupil Book 8 (Pack of 6 – Same Title)
29th November 2016
No Nonsense Phonics Skills – Teacher Book 1
29th November 2016No Nonsense Phonics Skills – Pupil Book 9 (Pack of 6)
Pupil Book 9 introduces and revisits the letter/s-sound correspondences as shown on the front cover via Spelling Word Bank pages. These Spelling Word Bank pages replace the Multi-skills Activities pages’ format of Pupil Books 1 to 8. They mainly feature ‘Same grapheme, different sounds’ and ‘Same sound, different graphemes’.
The learner applies and extends phonics code knowledge, handwriting and new vocabulary, whilst developing language comprehension, and building up further knowledge of words spelt the same way via the Spelling Word Bank pages and the 14 alternating Mini Story pages.
There are many reading, writing, spelling and talking routines to revisit, practise, apply, extend, discuss, illustrate, embed and assess the knowledge and understanding of new alphabetic code, vocabulary, concepts and spelling word banks. (Click on title or picture for a full product description)
There are many reading, writing, spelling and talking routines to revisit, practise, apply, extend, discuss, illustrate, embed and assess the knowledge and understanding of new alphabetic code, vocabulary, concepts and spelling word banks. (Click on title or picture for a full product description)
For non-UK purchases, we also offer a re-branded version of this book (‘Pick Up and Go Phonics‘) via the following Amazon sites – click on one of the following appropriate to your location:
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Inside front cover pages of Book 9:
The Alphabetic Code – Building Up the Sounds and Graphemes chart with adult guidance ‘post-its’ about the alphabetic code introduced, plus full description of ‘The complexities of the English Alphabetic Code’
Say the Sounds page consisting of all previous correspondences introduced to revise at the beginning of every lesson
Key Word Examples for Revision – add the mnemonic (aid to memory) example words as the activities in Book 9 are completed
Phonemic awareness, letter formation, oral segmenting, encoding and decoding are featured throughout Books 1 to 8 via core Multi-skills Activities pages. In Book 9, the Multi-skills Activities pages are replaced with featured Spelling Word Banks (for example: ‘Same grapheme, different sounds’; ‘Same sound, different graphemes’)
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In Book 9, further examples of pronunciation alternatives and spelling alternatives are introduced with substantial word banks.
‘Core’ Mini Story pages:
The sentences of the Mini Stories are always shown on writing lines throughout the series. High-frequency words, tricky words and words with unusual code (letter/s-sound correspondences) and additional (incidental) letter/s-sound correspondences are introduced via the Mini Story pages. In Book 9, teachers and learners decide on their own ‘Focus words’ to practise and learn.
– Final Challenge: How many picture-words can you see and spell on the front cover of Book 9?
Weight | 0.7 kg |
Dimensions | 38 × 26 × 2 cm |
ISBN | ISBN: 9781474739757 – No Nonsense Phonics Skills – Pupil Book 9 (Pack of 6 – Same Title or Single Book) |
6 Pack or Single | Pack of 6 Same Title (£18.95 plus VAT), Single Book (£3.25 plus VAT) |